Friday, November 22, 2013

Closing the browser window at the end of Selenium test

Closing the browser window at the end of Selenium test

Below links will help you in the situation where you need to close the browser window at the end of Selenium test:

1. How do I close the browser window at the end of a Selenium test? [Link]
2. How can I close the browser window without closing the browser? [Link]
3. Firefox windows don't close after Selenium test has run. [Link]
4. Selenium webdriver driver close. [Link]
5. How to close browser session without killing webdriver? Cookies must be retained. [Link]
6. Selenium grid2: how to close and open browser on remote. [Link]
7. Why has my Firefox Selenium WebDriver Browser Not Closed? [Link]
8. Closing Browser After Failed Test. [Link]
9. Selenium WebDriver - quit( ) method for closing the test browser. [Link]
10. How to close the Firefox browser windows after Selenium test has run. [Link]
11. Selenium webdriver driver close. [Link]
12. Why I don't close browser by webdriver? [Link]
13. Difference between webdriver.Dispose(), .Close() and .Quit(). [Link]